
The connection between cause and effect is how we first learn about the world. But, surprisingly, modern machine learning is blind to cause and effect, relying on correlations extracted from data rather than causality. 

My research has focused on using concepts and tools from fundamental physics to develop algorithms for extracting cause and effect from correlations. My main achievement has been to apply these algorithms in diverse areas: privacy, healthcare and decision-making. I’ve been able to dramatically reduce the rate of medical misdiagnoses, was the first to develop quantum cryptography for large-scale quantum networks, and showed how to combine counterfactual reasoning with deep learning to make automated decision making more efficient and trustworthy.

My research also focuses on the foundations of physics. I have derived connections between the laws of physics and fundamental limits on computation, and set bounds on the structure of post-quantum physics.

My work has been called a “breakthrough” by Newsweek, and MIT Technology Review said it has the potential to “supercharge medical AI” and that it “is set to improve automated decision making in finance, health care, ad targeting, and more.“ My research has also been featured in media outlets including New Scientist, The Times, The Telegraph, The London Review of Books, & Gizmodo. My research papers on causality were highlighted in the 2020 State of AI Report and selected as an Editors’ Highlight by Nature Communications in both 2020 and 2022.

I’ve listed some of my research papers by topic on the right-hand side of this page. See my Google Scholar profile for a full, up-to-date list of all my research papers.


Causal Inference and Machine Learning

Quantum Cryptography and Quantum Causality

Quantum Computing

Post-Quantum Physics and Quantum Foundations